We suggest only purchasing from fredperry.com/us, Fred Perry stores and official stockists for assured authenticity – please click here for stores near you, or contact our customer service team for details of official stockists.
If you have purchased an item elsewhere and have doubts about its authenticity, you are welcome to send it for authentication to the following address:
Fred Perry Ltd
FAO Katerina Skocikova
37 Mount Pleasant
United Kingdom
Please enclose a note explaining that you would like the item authenticated, your name and email address, whether or not you would like the item returned to you (and if so, the address you would like it returned to), and where the item was purchased - for example the website URL, or online marketplace seller’s account name. If this information is not enclosed it is likely to delay our responding to you.
We recommend that you send the item by recorded delivery and keep the tracking details safe for your reference as we are not responsible for lost parcels. Please be aware that it may take up to a month for us to provide with our authenticity report as in some cases items must be sent for further testing.
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