At Fred Perry we want you to be delighted every time you shop with us. Occasionally though, we know you may wish to change your mind.
If you need to return an unused item you can do so within 28 days after delivery, for a refund. You must have a valid receipt for us to process a refund. No refund will be issued after 28 days.
Unfortunately, we no longer offer exchanges. Please bear in mind that all items are inspected by our warehouse team. Full refund will be issued if returning item/s is/are within our return policy.
Once we receive your parcel, it will be processed within 10 working days (during busy periods this can vary). Please allow an additional 2-5 days for the credit to post to your account, as each bank's processing times varies.
Please note that we do not have any control over this part of the process. We are not liable for, and cannot take any responsibility for, any bank charges that you may incur during the refund process.
We will refund you the monetary value of the items returned to us, at the price you purchased them.
Under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, you have 14 days (from the day after you receive your goods) to cancel the contract for your order with us. To tell us you want to cancel the contract, you must let us know by doing one of the following:
- Complete the contact form on our website.
- By post. Write to us E-com team, 37 Mount Pleasant, Clerkenwell, London, WC1X 0AA, England. Include details of what you bought, when you ordered or received it and your name and address.
Please ensure you quote the order number in all correspondence. We will refund you the original purchase price and any delivery charges if applicable. If you have already received the goods, you will need to return the entire order at your cost or via Yodel, a free returns service offered to UK customers.
The goods must be returned in the same condition as received and if possible with all packaging. Items returned must be unworn, in re-sellable condition and with tickets intact. Please note that we do not offer refunds on our swimwear items, unless faulty. Fred Perry reserves the rights to refuse a refund if the goods returned are deemed to have been damaged, worn or tampered with. This does not affect your statutory rights.
If you are returning an item because of an error on our part or because it is faulty, we will be happy to refund your costs incurred in sending it back.
Refunds can only be made to the original card of purchase. Refunds to a card other than the original can only be processed under the following circumstances:
- The original account details have expired
- The original account no longer exists
You can return an online order to any of our UK shops within the 28 day returns window. Find your local Fred Perry shop here.
*Please note that we do not currently offer free returns from the Isle of Man.
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